Niagara Falls Photography

Hello lovely people! I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am right now. First of all, thank you so much for 200 followers! You guys are the best! Thanks for all of your encouragement and support as well; it really motivates me to write more. This week I have finally gotten around to going through my photos from Niagara Falls—and have chosen a few of them to share with you today! Of course, none of these photos come close to capturing the full beauty of the Falls. They are absolutely breathtaking, and if you haven’t been, I strongly encourage it!

In the morning, we hiked across Rainbow Bridge to the American side of the Falls. From the bridge, we could see a lovely view of both the Horseshoe Falls and the American Falls.

We visited each of the three lookouts on the American side, and stumbled upon a beautiful rainbow when we visited the lookout between the American Falls and the Bridal Veil Falls. It was gorgeous!

Later, we took a Hornblower boat tour on the Canadian side of the Falls and got incredibly misted. The tour provided an excellent close-up view of Horseshoe Falls.

There was, of course, the occasional brave seagull (make that fifty). They all seemed to be quite unperturbed by the loud, rushing water.

After a long day of walking, however, it was quite obvious that the best view of all was from the balcony of our own hotel room. The Falls were not only spectacular during the day, but overnight as well—as they were illuminated in the dark.

Thanks so much for stopping by! Have you ever been to the Falls? Let me know in the comments!

P.S. I had so much fun watching the eclipse unfold through my pinhole projector! The picture on the right was taken with my camera through a solar filter.

Dream Bigger

Hey there! Sorry about the absence of posts recently—I’ve been extremely busy this past week getting ready for an exciting trip to the east coast with my family (surprise, surprise!)! I’ve missed you all! As of now, we’ve just gotten settled in our hotel rooms by Niagara Falls. Don’t worry, I’ll keep you posted with photos and all—but since it’s pretty dark out right now, I thought I’d share a poem in the meantime. Enjoy!

Dream bigger, dream bigger,

reach higher, reach higher.

Believe in your ambitions,

have faith in what you seek.

Dream bigger, dream bigger,

reach higher, reach higher.

Look far and deep into your soul,

fly until you reach your goal.

Thanks for stopping by and have a lovely day!